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Home Overview RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software
RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software
RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图 RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software截图
RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software
Do you know how frustrating it can be when the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer waits endlessly for a patient's CD to open? Will your browser still require you to install additional programs before you can truly read the images? RadiAnt DICOM Viewer instantly solves your problem!
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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software

Software version -1 year subscription -1PC
Software version -2 year subscription -1PC
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CD/DVD - Lifetime Edition -1 burner
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Flexible, simple, and fast

RadiAnt is a PACS DICOM browser for medical images

The design is to give you a unique experience, with an intuitive interface and unparalleled performance, your experience will definitely be explosive!

Patient's CD/DVD DICOM browser

Do you know how frustrating it would be to wait endlessly for a patient's CD to open?

Will your browser still require you to install additional programs before you can truly read the images?

Try the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer to automatically play the package! This is absolutely fast, and the CD/DVD playback software does not need to be installed on Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10, nor does it require any additional software or programs to be installed. (e.g. NET, Java).

If the user's operating system allows, the 64 bit version can more effectively open files. The 32-bit version was used on the old machine. This medium has added only about 6MB of data.

After opening the program, the logo pattern will be displayed, which is completely customized and can be used in the information your company provides to customers.

All necessary tools can be closed at will

The RadiAnt DICOM Viewer provides the following basic tools for image manipulation and measurement:

  • Smooth lens adjustment and panning
  • Brightness and reflection adjustment, reverse color mode
  • Settings for preset computer tomography scanning windows (such as lungs, bones, etc.)
  • (90 degrees, 180 degrees) image rotation, (horizontal and vertical) image flipping
  • fractional length
  • Circle/ellipse and its range of intermediate, minimum, and maximum parameter values (such as the density of Hounsfield units in computed tomography)
  • Angle values (standard and Cobb angles)
  • A brush tool for free painting

As fast as lightning

The RadiAnt DICOM Viewer is designed to enable customers to utilize resources as efficiently as possible. It can run not only on multiprocessor and multi-core systems with large memory, but also on single core machines with only 512MB of memory in the old model.

If necessary, the 64 bit version can provide modern systems with over 4GB of capacity to store all previously opened images. Non synchronous browsing allows you to browse and process images while they are open.

All of the above can be achieved through a very small application with an installation file size of only 7MB.

Search and download research from PACS location

The PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) client feature allows Radiant DICOM viewers to query and retrieve research from other PACS hosts.

Supported service users/providers include C-ECHO SCU, C-ECHO SCP, C-FIND SCU, C-MOVE-SCU, C-STORE-SCP (only accepted from Radiant DICOM viewers)

Transmission. If you attempt to send studies from other PACS nodes without first searching for them and starting downloading in RadiAnt, they will be ignored. The received DICOM files are stored in a temporary folder and deleted when RadiAnt is closed.

Technical support for multimodal DICOM

This software can open and display images in different formats:

  • Digital Radiography (CR, DX)
  • Mammography (MG)
  • Computer tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic Resonance (MR)
  • Positron emission computed tomography (PET CT)
  • Ultrasound Scanning (US)
  • Digital Angiography (XA)
  • Nuclear medicine photography (NM)
  • Secondary images and scanned images (SC)
  • Structured Reporting (SR)

Many types of DICOM images can receive technical support:

  • Monochromatic (such as CR, CT, MR) and colored (such as US, 3D reconstruction)
  • Static images (such as CR, MG, CT) and continuous dynamic images (such as XA, US)
  • Uncompressed and compressed images (RLE, lossy JPEG, lossless JPEG, JPEG 2000)

Comparison of different series or studies

To compare multiple series or images of a single image, they can currently be opened in the same or different windows.

The system can automatically synchronize images obtained in the same plane (such as a series of computed tomography (CT) images before and after the application of contrast agents) by default.

When browsing anatomical series images of different surfaces, the displayed cross reference lines can better display the connections between them (such as magnetic resonance images).

Convert DICOM files into images and videos

In order to create excellent visual presentation and professional publishing - RadiAnt DICOM Viewer can convert DICOM files into JPEG format images (compressed) or BMP format images (uncompressed bitmaps) and WMV videos (Windows media videos).

A single image, a complete series, or all open images can be converted simultaneously.

By using shortcut keys while pressing CTRL+C, the displayed image can be quickly copied to the Windows clipboard and easily pasted into a Word document or PowerPoint file.

Multidimensional reconstruction

The MPR tool provided by the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer can be used to reconstruct images in orthogonal planes (coronal, radial, axial, oblique, depending on the basic plane of the image).

The reconstruction process is quite rapid: it can reconstruct coronal position images from over 2000 axial CT cross-sectional slices in about three seconds (under modern Intel Core i7 systems).

3D volume rendering

The 3D VR (Volume Rendering) tool allows you to visualize the large amount of data generated by modern CT/MR scanners in 3D space. You can interactively explore different aspects of the dataset in the 3D VR window.

This tool allows you to rotate the volume, change the zoom level and position, adjust the color and opacity, measure the length, and display the hidden parts by using the scalpel tool to cut off the unwanted parts in the volume

Structure. The image will gradually render, maintaining fluid operation even on slower machines.

PET-CT image fusion

Overlay a color PET image on a CT scan to obtain a structural reference for the area with increased FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) uptake.

Measure the maximum, minimum, and average parameters of SUVbw (standard absorption value calculated using body weight) using the elliptical tool in the designated area.

Image fusion can also be applied to other image forms, such as magnetic resonance imaging. DWI images can also be fused through T1 or T2 series scanning images.

Time intensity curve

The Radiant DICOM viewer allows you to visualize the enhanced behavior of lesions by drawing Time Intensity Curves (TIC) (for example, in breast MRI).

Different types of curves can be obtained: Ia - straight line (signal intensity continues to increase throughout the dynamic cycle)/Ib - curve (time signal intensity curve flattens in the later contrast period), II - plateau (signal intensity plateau in the middle and later contrast periods), or III - washout (signal intensity decreases in the middle and later contrast period (washout).

Multi-touch support

If you have a device that supports touch on Windows 8 or Windows 10, you may find gestures (actions performed with one, two, or more fingers) easier to use than a mouse or keyboard.

The Radiant DICOM viewer enables users to use multi-touch gesture arrays:

Touch the image with one finger and move it to browse through the displayed series of images.

To zoom in or out, touch two points on the image and then move your fingers away or towards each other. Drag the image with two fingers to move it and display the invisible part of the scaled image.

You can change the window settings (brightness/contrast) by touching the image with three fingers and moving it up/down (brightness) or left/right (contrast).

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer DICOM medical imaging browsing and viewing software LOGO

Official website:https://www.radiantviewer.com/

Download Center:https://radiant-dicom-viewer.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:Manual online processing of orders

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Lifetime version: includes 1 year of upgrade, maintenance, and update services. After 1 year, only the current version can be used. 1-year subscription: Used and updated within 1 year.

Pre purchase trial:90 day free trial.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 1 computer.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall and remove authorization from the original computer, and reactivate the new computer with a registration code.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:CD/DVD version: You cannot use this license to view images yourself. This license is for patients to use on a DVD, making it convenient for them to view their own images without purchasing a license.

reference material:https://www.radiantviewer.com/products/

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